Wednesday, August 19, 2009

KIngdom Cutlure Part 1

There is something I have heard ever since I became a believer. I have heard this statement over and over again, " I have a hard time understanding the Bible". I would like to submit to you one of the reasons the Bible is difficult to understand, is because our culture has given us a perspective that is very different from the perspective Kingdom of Heaven.

See we first have to establish that the Kingdom of Heaven is a real place or rather a country. Hebrews 11:13-16, sums of the fact that all those who died in the faith, died longing for a country of their own- a heavenly one. Philippians 3:20 states " that our citizenship is in Heaven". Now one thing that we have to point out here is that only countries have citizens. The Country of Heaven is referred to as a Kingdom.

This word Kingdom implies a form of government. Only countries have governments. If you recall Matthew 6:33 Jesus makes this statement, " seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness..." So in plain english, it is safe to say that the Country of Heaven has a Kingdom form of Government known as the Kingdom of Heaven. Know please understand every country has a particular culture. Every countries culture is defined by its laws, the language, the dress code, the food etc....

We have to understand that it is very difficult to understand and adapt to a different culture unless you have researched, studied and prepared yourself for the culture of another country. What is responsible for establishing a culture is its form of government and the laws it sets. We are of a Democratic Republic culture and unless you research, study and prepare ahead of time it is very difficult for you to understand the culture of a Kingdom much less an Eternal Kingdom.

This is why it is very difficult at times to understand the Bible, because it is the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven and you cannot approach it expecting to understand it with your American Culturistic perspective. Isaiah 9:6 states, " Unto us a child we be born, unto us a Son is given and the government will be upon His shoulders.

To be continued...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What Satan Wants!

Good Morning! Well it may not be morning when you read this but nonetheless. As I type this itis 4:46 a.m. Wednesday morning and I am in College Station, TX. I am reminded this morning and therefore compelled to share about, "What Satan Wants?!" There are two main elements in life that if we don't get control of, they will inevitably take control of us and send us into a cycle that we will find ourselves in week after week, month after month and year after year.

I believe that everyone at some point in their life ask themselves the questions; what was I created for? Why do I exist? Why was I born? I would venture to say that every single human being at one point in their lives internally seeks the answer to that question.

I heard a man ask a question one time that went something like this, " What is the wealthiest place on the Earth?" Immediately, I started doing the same thing you are doing right now, thinking what it could be. I never in a million years would of ever guessed or expected the answer he gave. He said, " the wealthiest place on the Earth is a cemetery because people go to their graves with all of the dreams and purposes they were created for unfinished, unaccomplished and in some cases never even started." He said, "they died with books they never wrote, songs they never sang, business's they never started, buildings they never built"; and so on and so on. I have to admit to you that, that was a rude awakening for me.

I immediately thought to myself, I don't want that to happen to me. So what could I do to prevent that? I have to get self control of " MY TIME and MY ENERGY". You see that is what Satan wants. He wants you to be distracted and busy with things that prevent you from fulfilling the things you were created for. As long as we are unproductive for the Kingdom of God he will allow us to do whatever we want unhindered. Myles Munroe made this statement, "the worst thing that could ever happen to a person is they live there lives successful at the wrong thing". You see sometimes we get excited about doing good things, but if it is not the thing you were created for it is a waste of your time and your energy. I don't know about you but that is very difficult for me to accept.

Recently , I have been releasing a statement that there are two types of frustrated people. The first type of frustrated people, are those who are frustrated with their situation and circumstances but enough to complain about them. The second type are those those who are ready and willing to do something about it. I am apart of the second group. Many times we believe that one day we are going to wake up and its all going to just magically be better, yeah go ahead keep believing that. I don't believe for a minute that God the Father made the investment that He did, giving us dominion over the Earth and the authority to demonstrate its power, so He could do it for us. Sorry I have trouble with that Mentality.

I do believe He intervenes and helps us, but I also believe when he said, "greater works shall YOU do", He did mean YOU! So if this is something you have asked and not yet found the answer the word of God is a good place to start. I can tell you this, It will revolutionize your life and you will find that your TIME and ENERGY will be spent a whole lot different than it is now. I will probably do a part two on this just because I believe there is more to it. May the Blessing of the King be with you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We live in a day where diversity is part of our culture. No matter where you are from, we are challenged with accepting people based on our diverse cultures and paradigms. It has so become an issue that legislation is being created to protect people who have chosen diverse lifestyles. Change happens every day every minute. But there is one thing that will always remain the same. It's foundation is firm and unmoved, that is the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven, which we know as "The Bible".

What is amazing to me is that we never know, when we wake in the morning what new definitions we are going to be faced with. What I mean by this is that our culture in it's struggle to discover it's purpose and destiny, has a tendency to redefine terms and words that are already clearly defined. Because of this what was defined yesterday may not mean the same thing tomorrow. One example of this is the redefining of family. I just wanted to mention that to get you on track with that direction I am headed, but I am not going touch that subject right now. This is what I would like to discuss today. There are terms clearly defined by scripture, that no matter what earthly cultures try to define or redefine, they will never be changed in the country of Heaven.

The particular word that I would like to bring up this morning is the word "maturity". In the Book of Hebrews chapter 5 verses 7-14, the writer clearly define the word "maturity".
In his explanation of it, he says that those who eat "solid food" are the mature. He goes on to say that those who,"are not acquainted with the word of righteousness are still infants or (immature). He make it clear that the immature are not able to distinguish between good and evil.
What is amazing is that, when someone does not have the ability to distinguish between good and evil, they will probably always have to try to figure things out or continually be attempting to define something that is clearly defined. The lesson I want you to take away from this today is, Do not allow the immature society in which we live to keep you in an immature state. We need to allow the "Living Word", the "Bible", the "Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven" to provide you with the definitions that are clearly defined and unchangeable. The definitions of the Bible are not conditional, they provide a sure foundation for everything created under in Heaven and under Heaven. Allow your paradigm to be structured by it, so that you do not remain immature trying to define what is good and evil.

Maturity is synonymous with righteousness this we will touch on in my later blogs.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Huge 2 Letter Word "IF"

It is an amazing thing to consider that we believe we can become something simply by affiliation. Even to think that we receive by affiliation. But yet even "Christians" have fallen into that deception. I heard someone say one time, " if I walk into a McDonalds does that make me a Big Mack?"

Here is the deception exposed, just because you hang around a church it does make you a believer. Just because you read your Bible it doesn't make you a recipient of the promises of the word. Just because you are a "Minister" of a religious organization it doesn't mean make you saved.

There is a huge 2 letter word in the Bible that makes all the difference in the world. That word is the word "IF".

Deuteronomy 28:1, " If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give to you today, the Lord your God will set you High above all the Nations of the earth."

Deuteronomy 6:25. " And If we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us, that will be our righteousness."

These are a couple of major examples that we tend to over look in the faith. We want all the rights, blessing and justice to be exercised over our lives without considering the If.

Keep in mind the Word doesn't say, If you go to church, if you are a minister, if you know the Bible. He says If you obey my commands, " none of these diseases will come upon you. Now that makes that 2 letter word huge. Don't you think?